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Say yes to yourself

Advice Family Happiness Mental Health

The Dreaded Depression.

FYI – Why am I writing this blog post? 1. To show people how others are affected by the horrible disease that is depression – from anxiety, to panic attacks, right up to suicide. 2. To help those suffering from this horrible affliction by…

February 9, 2017
Advice Corporate Events Festivals Hair Social Media

New Do!

I know I said my posts would be monthly but I’m on a bit of a roll and a few friends have asked not to make them wait so long so here’s one I wrote last night. Warning – A lot of selfies have…

January 10, 2017
Happiness Mental Health

New Year… New Slogan!

We gotta come up with something a bit more creative than ‘New Year, New Me!’ don’t we? What about New Year, New SuperAwesomeAlotness! Yeah… that sounds good doesn’t it? Anyway, seeing as it is a New Year, I have a New Blog so I…

January 5, 2017